Oils are available by quarts or gallons. We firmly believe in reuse/recycling so bring your own container if you're going to be picking up at the studio. We do offer discounts if you bring your own container.
Soap and lotion making Butters
Cocoa butter
Cocoa butter is one of the most stable fats known, a quality that coupled with natural antioxidants that prevent rancidity, grants it a storage life of two to five years. The velvety texture, pleasant fragrance and emollient properties of cocoa butter have made it a popular ingredient in products for the skin, such as cosmetics, soaps and lotions.
shea butter
Shea butter is mainly used in cosmetics, such as lip gloss moisturizer creams and emulsions, and hair conditioners for dry and brittle hair. It is also used by soap makers, typically in small amounts (5-7% of the oils in the recipe), because of its property of leaving a small amount of oil in the soap
HoursM-Sat: 11am - 6pm
Telephone(904) 465-0985