Healing with Local Honey with Patty B TwoForOne Special
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Many people keep bees for the delicious honey they provide — but beyond simply being tasty, the honey, wax, and propolis that your hives provide are potent natural healing agents and can be used to create nourishing handcrafted medicines. In this class, you’ll learn to make medicine that’s good for the body, heart, and soul that harness the therapeutic benefits of these gifts from the hive. Combining Organically grown with honey, beeswax, and propolis, we’ll learn to prepare herbal syrups and salves, infused medicinal honeys, and propolis-based medicine. Each participant will come away with an herbal syrup or honey, a propolis throat spray, recipes, and extensive hand-outs with the recipes that were discovered in class as well as many more. Additional $5 supply fee due in class.
Regular Price $19.
Regular Price $19.