Short History of Medicine: “Doctor, I have an earache.” 2000 B.C.: “Here, eat this root.” 1000 B.C.: “That root is heathen. Say this prayer” 1850 A.D.: “That prayer is superstition. Drink this potion.” 1940 A.D.: “That potion is snake oil. Swallow this pill.” 1985 A.D.: “That pill is ineffective. Take this antibiotic.” 2000 A.D.: “That antibiotic has side effects. Here, take this root!” (Author unknown) Have you ever wished you could step into a time machine and take a trip back in time to experience parts of history? To be able to walk through the woods with an herbalist of the 1800's and glean the knowledge of which plants are safe and to create tinctures in the apothecary of a castle! Oh! But we can, in some ways at least! Perhaps not in a castle, but there are those who walk through the woods gathering herbs even today, although we like to remind people they don't always live long! There is so much to learn about herbs and their uses. One of the things I like about the history of Herbalism is that it was always taught and passed down to the next generation. Knowing my heritage has always been important to me. I love how herbalism really connects us all. Whether rich or poor some form of herbalism has touched our personal history. Whether it was our relatives that used herbs to make supplements for use in all manner of things such as lotions, balms, soaps, tinctures and so on, or someone created them for your family to use. Herbalism has touched all of our lives. We have lost the art of passing down this knowledge as a whole in America but yet herbalism has thrived. More and more people are picking back up the torch and passing it on. At Green Lotus Studios history is ALIVE! ![]() The very heart beat of Green Lotus Studios is bringing history to life! Let me explain… So many people are learning about herbs through social media, Pinterest, Youtube and online classes but there is a key part missing. There are some things you can only get through a mentor or mentors. Green Lotus gives a well-rounded and hands on approach to learning herbalism and many other lost Arts. Ms. Donna, owner and operator of Green Lotus studios, strives to make herbalism available to those who want to learn. She wants everyone to be able to benefit from a more natural way of life. Community is a big part of what our culture today is missing. Mentor-ship and community is what Green Lotus gives that is unique and wonderful! Master herbalism is where it all comes together. You take all that you’ve learned and begin to create compounded layers to make your products and supplements. It is a lot of fun but, it is also work. It is oh, so worth it! So far we have compounded a tincture We have compounded shampoo and conditioner. One of my favorite classes has been creating percolator funnels from bottles. This was great fun! You never know what new thing Ms. Donna will have for you. We used our funnels to make percolations and then learned how to use the leftover powders for more herbal supplements. There is very little waste in Herbalism. Percolations were the most fun because I could imagine our ancestors in a stone walled damp and musty dwelling percolating their own herbs and concocting various remedies for the ailments of the time. History lives on through us… lets make sure it lives on through the generations to come! Come on out to Green Lotus Studios, learn some of the Lost Arts, and keep our history ALIVE! Green Lotus Studios where creativity and community meet! Please go to our website and sign up for a class through mind body. Some upcoming classes... Let's Go Raw! Beginning the Journey into RAW Food Intro to Sewing: Upcycled Grocery/Tote Bags Class Hot Process Soap Making Class Cold Process Project #11 ~ How To Make Felted Soap Organic Pet Care Class and many more! This Material is intended as an information guide only. Green Lotus Studios is not prescribing any of the substances. Any Remedies, approaches and techniques described within are meant to supplement, and they are not a substitute for professional medical care or treatment. They should not be used to treat a serious ailment without prior consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.
By: Katina Buckner
AuthorDonna Carpenter: Master Herbalist, Soap Maker, and Yoga instructor. Archives
February 2016
HoursM-Sat: 11am - 6pm
Telephone(904) 535 5365