![]() EDITORIAL New York Times, 1902 "It is utterly insufficient (to eat pie only twice a week), as anyone who knows the secret of our strength as a nation and the foundation of our industrial supremacy must admit. Pie is the American synonym of prosperity, and its varying contents the calendar of the changing seasons. Pie is the food of the heroic. No pie-eating people can ever be permanently vanquished." In response to an Englishman’s suggestion that Americans should reduce their daily pie eating to two days per week. Taken from http://www.hoosiermamapie.com. I so look forward to opening the front door the first morning at the last edge of summer when the air has that bit of crispness and cool gentle breeze. The musical sound, of the rustling of leaves that have begun to change colors and drift to the ground. The leaves beg my children to come out and play and the pumpkin patches plead for picture taking and all sorts of pumpkin baking! Oh there is pumpkin bread, muffins, pancakes, soup, pies and oh the yummy seeds! Not to mention the smells of the spices all intertwined, oh, so divine! You may not have realized just how much healthy goodness is inside that pumpkin pie. First of all Pumpkin is a superfood! Pumpkin has loads of fiber, zinc, iron and Vitamin C. They are also high in zeaxanthin and lutein which may help prevent cataracts from forming and reduce the risk of macular degeneration. A cup of fresh pumpkin is also packed full of beta carotene, in fact it has almost four times as much as a large carrot. Beta Carotene has antioxidants that have been found to lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. It especially helps fight against cancers of the lung, mouth, throat, gastrointestinal tract, and prostate. It helps protect the body from free radicals and helps to strengthen the immune system. So, one of my questions is always... well all this is great information, but how much do I need to eat to actually get these benefits? Well, according to Phyllis A. Balch, CNC and James F. Balch, M.D.'s book, Prescription For Dietary Wellness, there was a study done that showed that men with the lowest risk of getting lung cancer ate two and one half servings of some kind of vegetable daily. Some other foods with Beta Carotene are Carrots, Broccoli, Asparagus, Chinese cabbage, Apricots, Chives, Dandelion leaves, onions, kale, grapefruit, peas, peppers, plums, spinach, squash and sweet potatoes. If you eat plenty of these veggies you do not need supplements. If you take supplements as well as eat lots of these veggies you could have an excess of beta carotene which you want to avoid. Always check with your doctor before adding supplements to your diet. Beta Carotene supplements may interact with cholesterol lowering drugs, some weight control medications, Statins and mineral oil use. I know we don't put pumpkin seeds in pumpkin pie but they have to have an honorable mention because I don't know about you but, I love munching on them while the pie is cooking! So the seeds have zinc, manganese, copper, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium in them. WOW! To make pumpkin pie a healthier treat you can substitute organic heavy cream for canned milk and organic real maple syrup for granulated sugar. Do a search for all natural homemade pumpkin pie and you can find several recipes that have these ingredients. You can also use organic wheat flour instead of All purpose flour for your crust although, it will not be as tender. If you just want to buy an already made organic pie crust you can go to this link http://www.whollywholesome.com/locate.php to find out the nearest location to purchase a variety of different crusts including a traditional one, whole wheat and spelt crust. Oh, Let's not forget our spices! Cinnamon-The inner bark is used for indigestion, general sluggishness, colic, and diarrhea. Cinnamon promotes sweating, is anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, tonic and a uterine stimulant. Avoid therapeutic doses if pregnant and use with care if you are overheated or feverish. Nutmeg- Recently used for a digestive remedy for nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and diarrhea in relation to food poisoning. It has been successful in treating Crohn's disease in trials. Nutmeg is an anti-spasmodic, appetite stimulant, and an anti-inflammatory. Large doses (7.5 grams or more in a single dose) are dangerous and can produce convulsions and palpitations. Ginger- It is used to promote sweating and as an expectorant for colds and chills, prevents vomiting, anti-spasmodic, carminative and antiseptic. It is also used for travel sickness and there has been recent studies in using ginger during pregnancy for severe sickness. Avoid excessive amounts if you have a peptic ulcer and use with respect early on in pregnancy. It can be safely taken in proper doses for morning sickness. Cloves- Can be used to aid in digestion and help an upset stomach. Clove is an expectorant, analgesic, antimicrobial, antihistamine, anti-clotting. Do not use in therapeutic doses if you use a blood thinner, 12 and under should not use therapeutic doses, may cause burns or rashes if applied in to high of concentration to the skin. Pumpkin pie can be pretty amazing and sounds like it may help with a little tummy upset on those Fall and winter holidays that we tend to over eat a bit. Like anything moderation is always best no matter how much goodness is packed in. This Material is intended as an information guide only. Green Lotus Studios is not prescribing any of the substances. Any Remedies, approaches and techniques described within are meant to supplement, and they are not a substitute for professional medical care or treatment. They should not be used to treat a serious ailment without prior consultation with a qualified healthcare professional. To learn even more about nutrition go to this link http://www.greenlotusstudios.com/calendar.html and enroll through MindBody for the next Beginning Nutritional Herbalism class and be able to help your family and friends or even start your own business. Come have Fun, meet new friends and learn about Nutrition all at the same time! Come on out to Green Lotus Studios where creativity and community meet! See you soon. I found my information at these links... http://www.myrecipes.com/healthy-diet/super-foods/health-benefits-of-pumpkin http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/252758.php http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-cloves.html All pictures were public Domain and gotten from this link... https://pixabay.com/ By: Katina Buckner
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AuthorDonna Carpenter: Master Herbalist, Soap Maker, and Yoga instructor. Archives
February 2016
HoursM-Sat: 11am - 6pm
Telephone(904) 535 5365